0 items / £0.00





Soil 078: Svartfjell (UK) - "I, The Destroyer" Tape (30th December, 2024) !! NEW !!

Listen via YouTube / Listen via Bandcamp

- Ltd transparent dark red cassette, amount undisclosed. ​


Soil 077: PYRE:NUMEN (And) - "Autumngris Accord" Tape (30th December, 2024) !! NEW !!

- Ltd transparent blue cassette, amount undisclosed. ​


Soil 076: Possession of the Polar Shaman (UK) - "Fenrir dau​þ​uz bringandiz" Tape (30th December, 2024) !! NEW !!

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd vintage silver cassette, amount undisclosed. ​


Soil 066: Auld Ridge (UK) - "For Death and Glory, to the Gods I Cry" Tape (30th December, 2024) !! NEW !!

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd vintage gold cassette, amount undisclosed. ​


Soil 075: Ynkleudherhenavogyon (UK) - “Yeunadow Henaver” Tape (20th September, 2024)

Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd vintage gold cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 074: PYRE:NUMEN (And) - “L​’​Estiu Salvatge” Tape (20th September, 2024)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd vintage gold & transparent green cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 073: Hemlokk (UK) - “Hares & Hedges” Tape (30th August, 2024)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Co-release with House of Inkantation. Ltd 100.


Soil 072: Todessog (Ger) - “Hateful Night Of Desecration” Tape (20th July, 2024)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd vintage gold & black cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 071: Sorathian Dawn (Aus) - “Radiant Terror” Tape (20th July, 2024)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd vintage gold & transparent yellow cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 070: PYRE:NUMEN (UK) - “La Pastorale Pyrénéenne” Tape (20th July, 2024)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd recycled clear frosted cassette, amount undisclosed.


SOIL-CD 069: Locusts and Honey (UK) - “Teach me to live that I dread the grave as little as my bed” CD (29th July, 2024)

- Co-release with Pest Productions.


Soil 069: Locusts and Honey (UK) - “Teach me to live that I dread the grave as little as my bed” Tape (20th July, 2024)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd black cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 068: Ierfeweardian Oþfeallan Snytrucræft (UK) - “Un​þ​urhf​ǽ​re Galdorcwideas” Tape (20th July, 2024)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd vintage gold cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 067: BRYTHO:NUMEN (And) - “No Parish But Albion - The Vagabond Trust” Tape (20th July, 2024)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd clear prison cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 065: Venymysgourvleydh / Collier d'Ombre (UK / US) - “Thunder of War Forlorn” Split Tape (30th December, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd red & vintage gold cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 064: PYRE:NUMEN / Alpabutz (And / Ger) - “Lost Pastures” Split Tape (30th December, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd gold cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 063: Be Persecuted (Chn) - “III” Tape (30th December, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd grey cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 062: An Old Sad Ghost / Numinous Kombattant (Aut) - “Dem verborgenen Gotte” Split Tape (30th December, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd vintage gold cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 061: Absolute Key (Fin) - “Kev​ä​ä​n Muoto” Tape (30th December, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd green & vintage gold cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 060: Welkin (Sgp) - “Emblems of Valour” Tape (26th August, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd vintage gold cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 059: Vitriolic Sage (惡毒賢者) (Chn) - “夢路” (Road of Dreams) Tape (26th August, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd blue cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 058: Vandal (Jpn) - “地​​​獄​​​変” (Jigokuhen) Tape (26th August, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Black & silver cassette variants, amount undisclosed.


Soil 057: PYRE:NUMEN (And) - “Nocturnal Sylvan Nostalgia” Tape (26th August, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube

- Black & silver cassette variants, amount undisclosed.


Soil 056: Nocturnal Tyrant / Gergesenes (Intl / UK) - “S/T” Split Tape (26th August, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube

- Black & white cassette variants, amount undisclosed.


Soil 055: Dopamine (多巴胺) (Chn) - “Evanescent” (​蜉​蝣​) Demo Tape (26th August, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Gold & bronze cassette variants, amount undisclosed.


Soil 054: Deitus (UK) - “Irreversible” Tape (26th August, 2023)

- Stream via Bandcamp

- Red & turquoise cassette variants, amount undisclosed.


Soil 053: Ynkleudherhenavogyon / Venymysgourvleydh (UK) - “Freudhek Kothni Sekus Lytherenna” Split Tape (25th February, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd dark grey cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 052: Heresy (异端) (Chn) - “Apocalypse” (启示录) Demo Tape (25th February, 2023)

- First pressing: red cassette / Second pressing: gold cassette, limitation undisclosed.


Soil 051: Gnawed Chrisom (And) - “Malignant Undercroft” Tape (25th February, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd black cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 050: Blutdurst (Aut) - “Grantgermanistik - A Speibmandala aus Sudergedichten” Tape (25th February, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd pink cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 049: Angantyr (Dnk) - “Ulykke” Tape (25th February, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Full body print, amount undisclosed.


Soil 048: Aek Gwi (Kor) - “Dead's Grudge” (亡者之恨​​) Tape (26th August, 2023)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd vintage bronze cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 047: Ynkleudherhenavogyon (UK) - “Kynnyav Morreplinen Devos Templa” Demo Tape (2nd December, 2022)

- Listen via YouTube

- Gold & black cassette variants, amount undisclosed.


Soil 046: Wulvyr (UK) - "Folkgnosis" Tape (2nd December, 2022)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd 100 (extremely limited gold tape, plus black & transparent variants).


Soil 045: Vitriolic Sage (惡毒賢者) (Chn) - "Feuerschlucker" Tape (2nd December, 2022)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd gold cassette, amount undisclosed.


Soil 044: PYRE:NUMEN (And) - "Knightwave Trilogy" Tape (2nd December, 2022)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd 50 (25 x transparent & 25 x dark smoke).


Soil 043: o.T.s (Che) - "Hosanna Ponchatoula" Demo Tape (2nd December, 2022)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd 66 (26 x silver & 40 x white).


Soil 042: Shadows of Black Candlelight (Kor) - "History of Resurrection, Chant of Necromancy" Tape (2nd December, 2022)

- Listen via YouTube

- Ltd 100 (30 x gold & 70 x black).


Soil 041: Nocturncul (Idn) - "The Funeral March" Tape (2nd December, 2022)

- Listen via YouTube / Stream via Bandcamp

- Ltd 100, gold cassette.


Soil 040: Dark Fount (暗泉) (Chn) - "Become the Soul of Mist" Tape (28th August, 2022)

- Ltd 100 (30 x gold & 70 x silver).


Soil 038: Karner (US) - "Untam Liacht Tota Stern" Tape (28th August, 2022)

- Ltd 100 (10 x gold, 20 x silver & 70 x dark smoke).


Soil 037: Castlerock (US) - "Ninomaru" Tape (28th August, 2022)

- Ltd 50 (15 x transparent & 35 x dark smoke).


Soil 036: Castlerock (US) - "Honmaru" Tape (28th August, 2022)

- Ltd 50 (15 x transparent & 35 x dark smoke).


Soil 035: BRYTHO:NUMEN (And) - "The Wessex Mistery Transmissions" Tape (28th August, 2022)

- Ltd 50 (first 25 copies come with a reprinted issue of the Wessex Mistery journal “The Hedgerow Chorus”).


Soil 034: Calling of Phasmic Presence (Can/US) - "Collection One" Tape (6th May, 2022)

- Ltd 100, dark smoke cassette.


Soil 033: Haktkuligida (黑激達) (Chn) - "Demo MMXVIII - MMXXI" Tape (6th May, 2022)

- Ltd 66, (26 x gold & 40 x black).


Soil 032: Chute du Soleil (太陽的墜落) (Chn) - "The Gate of Void Abyss" Tape (6th May, 2022)

- Ltd 100 (20 x gold & 80 x black).


Soil 031: PYRE:NUMEN (And) - "El Passatge de l'Hivern" Tape (4th March, 2022)

- Ltd 100 (30 x silver & 68 x dark smoke).


Soil 030: Verdensorg (Aut) - "Verdensorg" Tape (4th March, 2022)

- Ltd 100 (20 x gold & 80 x silver).


Soil 029: Spring Castle (US) - "Tales of the Crimson Knight" Tape (4th February, 2022)

- Ltd 100 (10 x gold, 20 x silver & 70 x black).


Soil 028: PYRE:NUMEN (And) - "By Root, Stone & Sword" Tape (4th February, 2022)

- Ltd 50 (15 x gold & 35 x purple).


Soil 027: PYRE:NUMEN (And) - "To Follow a Fellowship" Tape (4th February, 2022)

- Ltd 50 (15 x gold & 35 x translucent blue).


Soil 026: Pale Mist (UK) - "Through The Labyrinth And Into Connectivity" Tape (26th December, 2021)

- Co-release with Goatowarex. Ltd 100 (30 x red & 70 x black).


Soil 025: Drakonhail (Fra) - "Nuit en édifice" Tape (11th November, 2021)

- Ltd 100, black cassette.


Soil 024: Vengeful Spectre (殞煞) (Chn) - "Vengeful Spectre" Tape (6th August, 2021)

- Ltd 100 (20 x gold & 80 x black).


Soil 023: Blutdurst (Aut) - "Stallag im Beserlpark" Tape (6th August, 2021) - Ltd 100 (20 x dark green & 80 x black).


Soil 022: Absolute Key (Fin) - "To Leave to Return" Tape (15th May, 2021)

- Ltd 100 (20 x gold & 80 x black).


Soil 021: Atra Mors (UK) - "1353" Slipcase Tape (30th November, 2020)

- Ltd 100 (20 x black & 80 x white).


Soil 020: Old Corpse Road (UK) - "On Ghastly Lays the Wreckage of our Lore" Tape (30th June, 2020)

- Ltd 150, silver cassette.


Soil 018 & 019: Dopamine (多巴胺) (Chn) - "Dying Away In The Deep Fall" Slipcase Double Tape (21st January, 2021)

- 018: vocal edition & 019: instrumental edition.

- Ltd 100 (20 x white & 80 x gold/silver).


SOIL017: Funerary Bell (Fin) - "Undead Revelations" 12" LP (26th December, 2021)

- Co-release with Goatowarex. Ltd 200, gatefold black vinyl with OBI.


Soil 016: Zuriaake (葬屍湖) (Chn) - "Resentment In The Ancient Courtyard" Tape (20th December, 2019)

- Ltd 150 (50 x gold & 100 x white).


Soil 015: Belliciste / Pale Mist (Nzl / UK) - "S/T" Split Tape (6th June, 2019)

- Ltd 100 (50 x dark smoke & 50 x silver).


Soil 014: Funerary Bell (Fin) - "Undead Revelations" Tape (10th March, 2019)

- Ltd 100 (50 x gold & 50 x dark smoke).


Soil 013: Atra Mors (UK) - "Aeons of Death" Tape (20th October, 2018)

- Ltd 100 (20 x red, 20 x black & 60 x white).


Soil 012: Martyrdom (殉難) (Chn) - "Pagan's Hymn" Tape (28th August, 2022)

- 20th anniversary re-issue with brand new artwork.

- Ltd 100 (25 x black, 25 x silver & 100 x white - white tapes with black case)

- Black and silver copies come with an exclusive cover art patch.


Soil 011: Zuriaake (葬屍湖) (Chn) - "Gu Yan" Tape (20th October, 2018)

- Ltd 200, white cassettes.


Soil 010: Inferno Requiem (黑冥煞) (Twn) - "Gloomy Night Stories" Tape (30th November, 2017)

- Co-release with Eerie Hint Productions (R.I.P). Ltd 100, black cassettes.


Soil 009: Magnesium (Jpn) - "中国の冒険記 海外初演" Tape (30th September, 2017)

- Ltd 150, white cassettes.


Soil 008: Quartz (UK) - "Fear No Evil" Tape (28th January, 2018)

- Ltd 150, white cassettes.


Soil 007: Reclvse (UK) - "Olde Gloom" Tape (30th November, 2017)

- Ltd 100, white cassettes.


Soil 006: Ghast (UK) - "Dread Doom Ruin" Tape (20th September, 2017)

- Ltd 150, black cassettes.


Soil 005: Draconis Infernum (Sgp) - "The Ashes of the Old" Tape (20th January, 2017)

- Ltd 100, (30 x black with logo patch & 70 x transparent).


Soil 004: Dinkumoil / Hellward / Tractor / Ravenwreck (Chn) - "Sinometal Batallion" 7" EP (January 2015)

- Co-release with KuRong Music. Ltd 150, black vinyl.


Soil 003: Dopamine (多巴胺) (Chn) - "Dopamine" Tape (1st May, 2010)

- Ltd 300, dark transparent cassettes.


Soil 002: Transylvania (Can) - "As The Wicked Prosper" Tape (1st May, 2010)

- Ltd 300, dark transparent cassettes.


Soil 001: Transylvania (Can) - "Ravage Total" Tape (18th September, 2008)

- Ltd 300, dark transparent cassettes.